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Periodontal disease &

Implant failure

Chapter 1,2

Chapter 3,4

Chapter 5,6

Chapter 7,8

Chapter 9,10

Toronto Dental Clinic


45 Yanji Street, Taipei City

(02) 2570-3456

(02) 2570-1235

Chapter 7 :

Periodontal disease?

In fact, most people have heard of periodontal disease, but it sounds like a very complicated problem. The sources of public information may be collected from the Internet, newspapers or other media. But the next content is recognized by the medical profession as the most reliable source of information, that is, the textbook . We have collected important information from three classic periodontology textbooks to share with you. Use common words and phrases and our experience in the Toronto dental clinic to explain to you this difficult disease.

Periodontal disease can be simply explained as a disease around the teeth. It is a common problem that plagues many people. The main killer of periodontal disease is bacteria, some very stubborn bacteria. In some people's physique, the surface of their teeth is very easy to attract these bacteria, but it is strange that some people have considerable immunity to periodontal disease. We don’t know why. However, the information currently known tells us that in humans, it may be due to genetics. Some people can continue to brush their teeth every day or get periodontal disease, but conversely, some people who really don’t care for their teeth have no teeth. Zhou's question.

Periodontal disease is a disease in which toxins produced by plaque bacteria that adhere to the surface of the teeth cause inflammation of the gums and cause the destruction of supporting tissues.

Among these populations that are susceptible to periodontal bacteria, scholars have identified many bacteria that may cause periodontal disease. The more common ones are F. nucleatum, P. micros and T. forsythia . These seemingly unlovable, even a little scary bacteria will adhere tightly to the surface of your teeth. Over time they will produce toxic substances, including collagenase, (an enzyme that dissolves periodontal collagen).

However, what troubles scholars is that in fact, these bacteria can be found in almost everyone's mouth. In people who are not prone to periodontal disease, these bacteria will not cause any damage. However, patients with periodontal disease tend to develop adverse immune reactions over time and gradually damage the gums and bones.

Other causes of periodontal disease

In addition to the patient's own physique, there are many reasons for periodontal disease. Basically, as long as the reasons you can think of have been put forward. Below we will list here the recognized causes of periodontal disease after long-term research. This also explains why periodontal disease is so difficult to treat. To be honest, there is no cure for periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can only be controlled. Try not to make the damage more serious. If you really want the so-called radical cure of periodontal disease, the only option is to remove the teeth that you can't keep. If you want to keep the tooth, keep it as clean as possible to extend its life.

1. Diabetes : The reason why we put diabetes in the first place is because we want to remind people of the horror of diabetes. When human blood sugar is out of control, its effects are widespread, from the toes to the eyes, including the periodontal, which will be deeply affected. If you have not had periodontal problems, but suddenly periodontal disease begins to develop. A good suggestion is to do a full-body examination, especially to measure blood glucose data. Let us add one more point. In fact, diabetes and periodontal disease are very similar. With current technology, neither can be completely cured. But if the patient is willing to cooperate and pay, both can be controlled. Hope that it will not get worse under the best treatment. Other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, leukemia or immune system diseases can also cause periodontal disease.

2. Smoking : The effect of smoking on the periodontal is because smoking reduces the blood circulation of the capillaries of the gums. When the blood circulation is poor, the immune system of the gums will not be able to properly protect our periodontal structure.

3. Stress and living habits: In English, stress comes from destresse, and this word comes from the Latin stringere, which means "tight". In an increasingly fast-paced urban life, "tightness" is inevitable. Many large research reports have pointed out that stress affects human autonomic nerves and hormones. Autonomic nerves are composed of sympathetic nerves that are more active during the day and sympathetic nerves that are more active at night. When the autonomic nervous system is out of regulation, it will indirectly or directly lead to the imbalance of hormone secretion. Under this condition, your periodontal resistance is in a very weak state. If the sympathetic nerve and parasympathetic nerve are to be balanced, normal life and sleep quality play an important role, which is an important condition for promoting the process of treating periodontal disease.

4. Pregnancy (or taking oral contraceptives):   In 1778, Vermeeren mentioned the correlation between pregnancy and periodontal in his publication. Gum inflammation or periodontal tissue discomfort during pregnancy is even higher than expected, with an average incidence of 67.5%. But good news

Most pregnant women will return to normal gum inflammation after pregnancy. When you are pregnant, your body will change a lot, and at the same time your hormone secretion will also change a lot. During this period of time, although pregnancy is very difficult, the frequency of brushing must not be reduced. A small suggestion: If you are planning to become pregnant, check your teeth first. It is more troublesome to look at your teeth during pregnancy. Another periodontal inflammation caused by hormonal changes is in adolescence. At this stage because the human body

Will enter a lot of growth. The hormonal fluctuation gradient is quite large. If you have children who are studying in high school, even though they are busy with schoolwork, remind them to brush their teeth during the idle time. Otherwise, their gums will bleed easily and become inflamed.

Video: Learn about periodontal disease in three minutes!

5. Improper cleaning methods or neglect of oral care:   The food residue remains on the edge of the gum, and after a period of accumulation, the so-called dental plaque and calculus are slowly formed. They will continuously release toxins, causing chronic inflammation of the periodontal support tissues, and even absorption destruction, which also weakens the function of the teeth themselves, and the impact is not small. The so-called periodontal support tissue here mainly includes gum tissue (also commonly known as gum), cementum at the root of the tooth, periodontal ligament around the tooth, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, etc.

I'm another title

" When you first discovered that you have periodontal disease, you should feel quite depressed. You must have a lot of questions in your mind. I hope the following article can solve some of your troubles."

Periodontal disease symptoms?

1. Severe red and swollen gums: Healthy gum color: It should be the same as beautiful pink coral. But if plaque continues to accumulate on the edges of the gums, the gums will begin to become inflamed. Once any human tissue becomes inflamed, the amount of capillaries will increase. When the capillaries become more and more numerous, the gums will feel swollen and will bleed when touched. Its color will become very bright red.

2. Periodontal atrophy, teeth are getting longer and longer : teeth with periodontal disease will look longer. That is because when periodontal disease causes bone atrophy, the gums on the bone will also shrink. Gum recession is a bit like a young bird, never going back. It is very difficult to rebuild shrinking gums. The best way is to take precautions, and that is to stay clean.

3. Periodontal pustules : People with periodontal disease often swell up their gums suddenly after staying up late. Usually this swelling is very fast. It feels like a super big acne. This is because food accumulates under the gums, causing acute inflammation of the periodontal. Most of the swelling will disappear soon after taking antibiotics. What we should pay attention to is that usually a tooth will grow periodontal pustules, which means that his condition is no longer good.

4. Teeth become loose or displaced, and even fall out : Many people find that they have periodontal disease because they feel weak when eating. We must remember that the reason why a tooth does not shake is because there are strong bones around it to support it.

As the surrounding bones slowly break down, the teeth will naturally become loose and displaced. People are not weak in chewing power, but these powers are not actually borne by the teeth, but silently given by the surrounding bones. It is a pity clinically that once a tooth starts to loosen, it is very difficult to restore it to its original stable condition. What we fear most clinically is to see that the patient’s teeth have become loose. Because in this situation we can't help much.

5. Have bad breath:

In 90% of cases of bad breath, most of the source is from the oral cavity. There are two most likely causes of bad breath: tongue or periodontal disease. When bacteria decompose sulfur-containing proteins, it will produce an unpleasant taste. Everyone has the problem of bad breath more or less, such as when they wake up in the morning. Or just eat some special food. With brushing and flossing, the taste will be greatly improved. However, persistent bad breath affects approximately 25% of the population.

If periodontal disease is excluded, the tongue is the most prone to bad breath in the mouth, accounting for about 80 to 90%. Especially the back of the tongue, if we look closely, it is actually very similar to the carpet, it is very easy to hide dirt.

Periodontal disease is very difficult to clean because of the presence of periodontal pockets. When food remains on the bottom of xx, it will produce bad taste and easily cause gum inflammation.

Other may cause

The cause of bad breath?


1 Tooth decay: A lot of deep tooth decay. After eating, food is easy to get stuck in these very difficult to clean places. With time, food will slowly ferment and produce bad breath.

2. Wounds: Wounds just after tooth extraction: Because the wound will be produced during the healing relationship, it will produce a transitional taste. But don't worry, these smells will disappear as your wound slowly recovers.

3. Stress
4. Menstruation: Some patients are more likely to have bad breath when menstruation comes .

5. Smoking and drinking

6. When the sinuses are inflamed: In fact, the nose, eyes and mouth are all connected. When the sinuses are inflamed, the secretions will stay in the mouth and produce a bad taste.

Ways to prevent bad breath

1 Brush your tongue, although there are some special tongue brushes on the market. For the general public, a normal toothbrush should be fine. Remember to brush your tongue in addition to brushing your teeth before the next date.

2 Chewing gum, because when the mouth is dry, it is easy for bacteria to accumulate quickly and produce the taste of the mouth. We can use sugar-free chewing gum to increase our saliva secretion.

3 Mouthwash, some mouthwashes contain the function of preventing the growth of bacteria, and the smell of fragrance. But we must remember that mouthwash should be used to assist in brushing and flossing, not to replace them.

4. Maintain healthy oral hygiene, if the methods provided above still cannot improve your problems. Then you may want to visit your baby doctor.

5. Some small studies have found that vitamin K12 can reduce bad breath. We need more large-scale research to support this argument.

​Often bleeding when brushing teeth

"I often bleed when brushing my teeth, so I dare not brush." This is what we hear most often in the clinic. When your gums often bleed when brushing your teeth, your body is telling you that your teeth are not clean enough. When you stop brushing it, the inflammation will become more and more serious. You must use brushing to break this vicious circle. You will find that when you brush your teeth more often, your bleeding volume and frequency will become less and less.


6. Excessive force & traumatic bite:

      This sounds like a very complicated term again, but let us simplify it. The average person should have twenty-eight teeth (with four wisdom teeth deducted). When twenty-eight teammates are present, the team can perform its maximum function. But if the number of teammates becomes less and less due to injuries, the remaining teammates will have to bear more pressure. As the number of teeth becomes less and less, the remaining teeth may have to bear the workload of two, three or even four teeth. At this time, the life span of the remaining teeth will be greatly reduced.

Human teeth’s favorite direction of force is along its long axis (1). Under this standard condition, the force of things we want can be transmitted to the bottom bones along the long axis of the teeth. This is the healthiest for periodontal. But sometimes because of malocclusion, the force is only applied from the side (2). In this situation, when the time accumulates long enough, the teeth will be in the bite force table. This is what we call traumatic occlusion academically. If the bite force is too large or the direction is abnormal, the bite that exceeds the combined force that the periodontal tissue can withstand, causing damage to the periodontal tissue is called a traumatic bite.

1. Correct force

2. Incorrect force

7. Age : As time goes by, we may not run faster than when we were young. Silver hair slowly came out, and nasty wrinkles slowly appeared. At the same time, your periodontal has slowly degenerated. Older periodontal structures (bones and gums), if compared with 18-year-old people, both the quality and quantity of collagen will be much reduced. Collagen is very important for bones and gums. Without them, their bones and gums would slowly shrink, and their resistance to external forces would not be as good as when they were young.

When making a diagnosis of periodontal disease in the clinic, if the patient is silver-haired. At the Toronto Dental Clinic, we will give priority to the age of the patient. Evaluate whether the patient's periodontal condition is in line with his age to determine whether it is true periodontal disease. The most important thing in treating silver-haired people is patience, care and skill. Since operating the Toronto Dental Clinic, I have accompanied many patients to grow up together. From kindergarten to junior high school in a blink of an eye. From Miss, experienced pregnancy to become the mother of man and son. It also accompanied many mid-age guests into the best stage of their lives.

Video: Seven tips for brushing your teeth

Let's take a look at the picture above. On the left is a healthy tooth. We can see the pink gum. Below him is the bone (alveolar bone) that supports the gum. The picture on the right is a patient who has suffered from periodontal disease. Let us use this picture to explain some important periodontal disease terms.

1: Dental plaque: When you have not brushed your teeth for a period of time, the surface of your teeth will be foggy . When you lick with your tongue, you will feel that there is a layer of something on it. If you use your fingers to pick it up, it will scratch. The next layer of sticky things in vain. This is called dental plaque.

The latest report shows that the formation of dental plaque has nothing to do with eating. On the contrary, the main source is that the bacteria in the oral cavity will form a film attached to the surface of the teeth through the action of the viscous protein in the saliva. After the plaque is thoroughly cleaned, the human body will produce a new batch of plaque in another six hours. This is why even if you haven't eaten for a long time, you still need to brush your teeth every six hours. But because the busy doctors of modern people usually advise patients to combine the timing of brushing with the meal.

plaque under microscope,try to keep them off your teeth. they are easy to remove by brushing

Another thing we want to mention, sometimes we hear in the media, should we wait for half an hour after the meal is finished before brushing our teeth? Personally, I would instead recommend brushing after eating. When you can't help but want to eat something very sweet, sticky or sour. The best advice is to keep them away from the surface of your teeth in the first place. With modern people’s daily routines, brushing teeth after eating is a luxury. It is not easy to ask patients to brush their teeth for half an hour after eating.

I was educated in Canada. When I first came back to Taiwan, I was not used to an idea. Have you ever heard of it? "I'm so old, I don't know how long I can live! So I don't need this." The idea of the silver-haired people abroad is completely reversed, "I am so old and I don't know how long I can live, so I want this . " It is very difficult to change an attitude or idea, but as a doctor, I am very happy to see the change in Taiwan’s attitude, especially in our clinic to see that older patients undergo treatment and can enjoy life’s delicacies. Is our greatest sense of accomplishment. No amount of money can compare to a patient's satisfied smile. Wish all the parents, grandfathers and grandmothers of the Toronto Dental Clinic. Blessed as the East China Sea, longevity than Nanshan.


Periodontal disease treatment

The most important main axis in the treatment of periodontal disease is cleaning, and different cleaning treatments are performed around this main axis. Not everyone needs to complete all four stages, and will decide whether or not to do the next stage of treatment based on the condition of each person's periodontal disease and the response to the treatment. The treatment of periodontal disease can be divided into four stages:

The first stage

The most common and basic tooth cleaning: try to remove dental plaque and calculus in the mouth. Clean the things that can be removed within the range of ultrasonic cleaning tools. For patients with gingivitis or mild periodontal disease in the early stage, with the correct way of brushing and the use of dental floss, and regular 3- and half-year follow-up examinations, usually good results can be obtained.

People often ask about whether the flushing machine can replace brushing or flossing? The tooth punching machine itself is a good auxiliary function, and it can achieve a good massage effect in some places that are more difficult to clean. But his role should be set as an auxiliary. The standard practice should be to use the punching machine for the final cleaning action after brushing and flossing. As for whether you need a tip brush, you should ask your dentist. It is very suitable for some patients with large gaps between teeth, but for some patients, it may cause unwanted damage to the gums.

second stage:

      After the completion of the first stage, the changes in periodontal disease will be reassessed. If it is stable after the first stage of treatment, there is no need to enter the second stage. When implementing the second stage, because each doctor graduated from a different school, the training received is also different. The oral cavity may be divided into four or six areas for treatment.

The advantage of dividing into four areas is that the number of treatments can be reduced, but conversely, the scope and time of each treatment will be longer. The advantage of dividing into six areas is that sometimes the anterior teeth do not require treatment and can be omitted. It is easier to calculate the cost. Each patient's tolerance is different. If you are afraid of pain, you need anesthetics. The goal at this stage is to clean more down, especially for calculus buried under the gums. Use periodontal special tools (curette, above), these tools have similar sharp points. Come and enter some places that can't be cleaned normally.

As we mentioned before, dental calculus is not easy to remove. Using these tools, we will try to clean the tartar under the gums. The academic name is root curettage and planing. After the operation, there will not be much discomfort. The little thing we are more worried about is that some patients will have a slight shrinkage of the gums after the scraping is completed. This is because the gums may be swollen because of inflammation. Once cleaned, the swelling of the gums goes away. It will produce a feeling of receding gums. If you have aesthetic considerations. Please communicate with your doctor first.

In some patients, the teeth become very sensitive after the scraping is completed. That's because when you are scraping, you will definitely scratch your teeth. But the good news is that most patients will get better after a period of time. If this problem has been bothering you. You can use desensitizing toothpaste to speed up its recovery.

The third phase:

        When periodontal disease does not respond well to previous treatments, the next option is surgical treatment. With the help of local anesthesia, we will open the gums for the next treatment. Why open the gums? It is for two purposes. After the first gums are opened, our field of vision will become very clear, and all the damage and dirt that were invisible before can be seen at a glance. There were many blind spots because of the gums. After the second gingival is opened, if you want to perform periodontal tissue repair or reconstruction, the angle will become much easier. In English, this reconstruction is called GTR (Guided Tissue Regeneration).

After this operation is completed, most of the pain is within the controllable range of painkillers. Some people may be prone to bleeding. If you are taking anticoagulant drugs, please communicate with your doctor before the operation. Most anticoagulant drugs with mild efficacy, such as aspirin. It is enough to stop the medication for one week before the operation. If you have a large surgical area, the possibility of blood stasis will also increase. But most of this will be retired within a week or two.

Periodontal disease

The fourth stage :

When you see here patiently, you might be thinking? There will be no more information, right? Fortunately, there is no treatment! The fourth stage cannot really be counted as treatment. After investing so much time, the next most important thing is to keep your results. Remember to come back every three to six months to check your periodontal condition and cleanliness. Periodontal disease is very recurrent, as long as you are not careful, it will easily come back! If someone asks what is your interest? Your standard answer should be... "brush your teeth and floss".

Periodontal disease treatment costs (own expense)

When you search for the cost of periodontal disease treatment on the Internet, there must be no way to find the information you want. Because that is the business secret of every clinic, and the cost of it is also very different, which can range from $5000 to $20000 in a district. The focus is on one area, not the whole mouth. Some doctors divide the whole mouth into four areas, and some doctors divide it into six areas. So you have to multiply the cost of a district by four or six. We can't find any honest and useful information on the website, so let us simply report it to you.

1. How many areas is the treatment divided into?

Generally speaking, it is more cost-effective for patients to be divided into six areas for two reasons. The first is because after the periodontal surgery is performed, the gums will definitely shrink. Some people are a little bit, but some people's gum height will drop a lot. This problem is a big problem in the anterior tooth area. Not every patient can accept that small black holes will leak out when they laugh. So not every patient will choose to treat the anterior tooth area.

I would like to add one point here, periodontal disease is a very serious disease, and it is very difficult to cure. However, some media and websites report that periodontal disease can cause heart disease, premature birth, stroke, myocardial infarction, diabetes, osteoporosis, respiratory diseases...

We understand that periodontal disease must be encouraged to treat patients, but if these extreme methods are used to encourage patients, it is not a very good way. Periodontal disease may indeed affect a wide range of organs, but its probability is really very low. Usually these patients have weak immune system, as long as it is any bacteria, these diseases are possible. And the most difficult thing to judge is whether these diseases are caused by periodontal disease caused by lack of teeth and gradually causing malnutrition. Taiwan’s media once again proved that it does not require any verification for the ratings, and the more sensational the topic, the better.

2. Qi tool is not complete?

Not every clinic treats periodontal disease, and not every clinic treats periodontal disease often. Therefore, it is possible that the equipment they prepare may not be so complete. Periodontal surgery ranges from the most basic periodontal scrapers, gum separators, bone meal filling appliances to high-end, external high-efficiency salt water scales, ultrasonic bone knives ( Detail correction of bones damaged by periodontal disease), laser (using energy to sterilize, sterilize, and remove the site of periodontal infection). I like these tools very much. These tools are much better than none, especially when encountering more complicated cases. Can surgery be done without these tools.........

2 Dental calculus : Do you remember the last time you cleaned a general household water heater? There will be a thick layer inside, which is difficult to clean, and a stalactite-like material adheres to the inner container wall. Whether it is stalactites, water heaters or dental calculus. Their main source is minerals. The dental plaque we just mentioned is very easy to clean as long as you brush your teeth regularly, but on the contrary, dental calculus is very difficult to remove. Saliva actually contains a lot of minerals, and the quantity and quality of each person will vary from person to person. But they all have one thing in common, that is, using dental plaque as a basis for precipitation. So in theory, if we can clean dental plaque very cleanly, the rate of calculus production will also become very slow.

        Then why is dental calculus related to periodontal disease? Our current thinking is that periodontal bacteria like rough surfaces, and the less smooth the surface can provide a more accessible area for bacteria to grow. Everyone's periodontal structure is slightly different. Some people’s gums and periodontal bones react violently to calculi. They will help dental calculus as a foreign invader and indirectly produce a series of autoimmune reactions.

Generally speaking, the autoimmune reaction is used to protect our body, but in the process of this reaction, it has an adverse effect. Innocent gums and surrounding bones will slowly destroy and shrink. Healthy gums should be like the elastic band of pants or socks, tightly grasping its favorite teeth. However, as the gums continue to inflame, and the alveolar bone and periodontal tissues in the gums are damaged, the teeth and the gums will gradually separate and become a loose state. This pathological environment is called teeth. Week capsular bag.

3. Periodontal pocket : Once this elastic band is loosened, it is very difficult to repair with current technology. This also indirectly explains why periodontal disease is so difficult to treat. We also don't help the periodontal pockets to think too complicated. When we are washing suits and trousers , people who are better at washing will first pull out the pockets and then wash them. Because if you don’t do it this way, the dirt at the bottom of your pocket will still exist after washing. In a worse situation, more dirt will run into it.

The same logic can be applied to periodontology. Once a periodontal pocket is formed, bacteria and food residues are more likely to accumulate in this dirty environment, and it is not easy for a toothbrush to reach such a deep place to remove the bacteria. Therefore, the symptoms of inflammation will spread to deeper periodontal tissues. Clinically, you can continue to observe symptoms such as red and swollen gum edges, easy bleeding when brushing your teeth, accumulation of calculus, sometimes uncomfortable teeth or gums, and bad breath. When the periodontal supporting tissue is damaged, if it cannot be treated in time, the periodontal pocket will become deeper and deeper with the loss of alveolar bone.

Healthy periodontal

Periodontal has considerable damage

You see the thin rod (A) on the upper right side of the tooth. His name is Periodontal Probe. There will be a scale on it, and the picture on the far left shows a healthy periodontal. At this time, the probe cannot go too deep because the gums are still tightly attached to the teeth. This is the picture we most want to see. The picture on the far right is when the periodontal is deconstructed, there has been considerable damage. Under this condition, the periodontal probe can easily slide to the deep bottom. Periodontal probe is an important tool for testing periodontal pockets. The number measured by the doctor will determine the future treatment plan.

4. Continuous destruction of alveolar bone

As periodontal disease slowly spreads, the most important structure, bone or commonly known as alveolar bone, will continue to be destroyed. The most important reason why a tooth does not move or shake is because there are very hard and strong bones around it, which surround it from all sides and support it. Thanks to these hard-working alveolar bones, the crowns exposed in the mouth can withstand the wind and rain on the diet. Decide whether a tooth with periodontal disease has any hope to stay. The remaining periodontal bone height is one of the most important determinants.

In theory, if we can rebuild the surrounding bones, the teeth will not be shaking. But human bones have the slowest recovery rate among all organs. When we are unfortunately fractured, the orthopedic surgeon will definitely recommend fixation, long-term fixation. Because bone cells grow slowly, they don’t like to move during the recovery process. It is a pity that we still need to eat during the periodontal bone rejuvenation process. These shaking are caused by the unstable periodontal teeth, which will reduce the success rate of periodontal bone reconstruction.

My teeth are so sensitive, what should I do?

Tooth sensitivity is a common problem among Chinese people. The most sensitive and common location is near the cheek and the gum. Sensitive teeth are easily confused with tooth decay, because the uncomfortable feeling when brushing your teeth to touch him is very similar to the feeling of tooth decay. If you have mild to moderate tooth sensitivity, you can use desensitizing toothpaste instead of normal toothpaste. After brushing your teeth, you can dip some desensitizing toothpaste on your fingers and gently massage the sensitive areas, then rinse your mouth. If it is a more serious case, even food that is not too cold or too hot will cause a lot of trouble, and it will not be improved after the sensitivity is continued. May consider doing a braces or getting a nerve to solve this problem.


Periodontal toothpaste?

As a doctor, I often need to advise patients, and when I answer, I hope that the answer comes from scientific evidence. Periodontal disease toothpaste may be in treatment

There is an assisting effect, but the actual effect of the treatment is still uncertain. In other words, we should help focus on brushing and flossing. But if you use a certain brand of periodontal toothpaste to make you feel more comfortable, or encourage you to want to brush your teeth more. That is the periodontal toothpaste you should choose.

We can often hear special remedies on the Internet, but these are really just remedies. Whether it is a Chinese tooth powder or a special toothpaste imported from abroad, the effect is very limited. But if it can bring you peace of mind, then you might as well use it. But don't have too high expectations for it!


        If the doctor who treated your periodontal disease declined your periodontal reconstruction plan. It is very likely that this tooth has been damaged too badly. Many materials needed for the reconstruction of periodontal disease are not covered by health insurance, including many expensive artificial bone meal, artificial periosteal and collagen. Sometimes I worry about the extra cost and painstaking surgery. And when I still can't keep this tooth, I'm afraid I'll be sorry to the patient.

After reading the above information, I hope you can have a deeper understanding of periodontal disease. Taipei City has many excellent doctors, after analyzing each case. Will share his views with you. Some teeth with severe periodontal disease really can't stay, and should not stay. But on the other hand, if you can go through periodontal disease treatment and periodontal reconstruction, and leave these teeth, it is what the patient or doctor most wants to provide.

Do I have to extract my teeth?

Periodontal disease treatment costs

(Health insurance)

When we read the above information, you will find that the real benefit is the first stage of treatment. In other words, it is only suitable for people with mild or no periodontal disease. As for some more complicated periodontal disease treatments, you must go through a slightly more complicated application and official confirmation. Only after the evaluation can it be determined whether it is suitable for health insurance.

Sometimes we heard patients say: "My previous dentist didn't wash the food stained area." In fact, the health insurance only covers the part of the dental calculus. If the other parts are to be cleaned, the doctor will absorb it. Some clinics charge extra fees for XX patients, but at the Toronto dentist clinic, if the patient’s time and physical strength allow us, we will try to remove the pigment on your surface as much as possible regardless of whether the health insurance is paid or not.

Later, in order to improve the quality of medical care, the National Health Insurance developed the "Integrated Periodontal Care Plan"... "If the insured person has more than 16 (inclusive) teeth in his entire mouth, periodontal inflammation, and 6 (inclusive) teeth The above periodontal pocket depth ≥ 5mm". Some patients have received some treatment, but many patients cannot apply for health insurance because they do not meet the provisions, such as local periodontal disease treatment.

No system in the world is perfect. The original health insurance intentions were good, and it is necessary to prevent a very small number of poor doctors from abusing this system. Therefore, the written operation process is complicated, and if there is something wrong, the fee and fine will be deducted. This may cause many doctors who like to treat periodontal disease to withdraw from this plan under their personal choice.

The following is the official statement of the government: "In addition, new drugs such as periodontal antibiotic gel and periodontitis gel, and periodontal beauty and periodontal desensitization treatments for cosmetic purposes are not covered by health insurance. In addition, periodontal laser treatment, periodontal Tissue guided regeneration, gingival autotransplantation, connective tissue transplantation, tooth surface pigment removal, etc., due to the financial burden of health insurance and the uncertainty of its efficacy, there is no health insurance payment."

Chapter 8 :

"General implant surgery should not have consequences! However, we must remind, prior to implant surgery, must be careful evaluation and selection of rich experience in implant specialist! Carefully selected physician, in order to avoid the consequences implant ."

Implant failure, risks and sequelae


Why does dental implant fail?

When you read this article, you should have seen a lot of super positive and super negative reports about dental implants. It is conceivable that if I finally made up my mind to implant my teeth, but I saw so many negative reports, I would not know what to do. I hope that I can be a fair consultant to analyze this issue with you.

We have already mentioned the advantages of dental implants in Chapter 3. If the cost, waiting time and the need for surgery are excluded, normal people should soon realize the advantages of dental implants. Being a doctor cannot force any patient to make any decisions he does not want, but the most sad part of the doctor is the fear caused by not understanding, which makes the patient lose a good choice. Dental implant is not necessarily an operation, most of the time it is actually just a process. It doesn't matter if your final choice is a movable denture or a bridge. Bad teeth still need to be pulled out, which is the most important cause of discomfort for most patients. Correct thinking, tooth extraction is actually an operation.

"The success rate of dental implants reported in the literature is greater than 90%. At the Toronto dental clinic, our success rate is 98%."

The success rate of dental implants reported in the literature is greater than 90%, and our five-year success rate at the Toronto dental clinic is about 98%. But remember, these beautiful surgeries are performed by very experienced doctors. And the implants used are also ranked first or second in the world. This reminds us once again the importance of doctor's technique and implant surface treatment.

Everyone has different views on success rate, and most people think that this success rate is already very good. But there will be a few people who hope to be 100% successful. At this time, I do not recommend these patients to do any treatment, whether it is dental bridge or movable denture. Because whether it is medical treatment or real life, please do not believe the so-called 100%.

Why does the implant fail?


2. Poor bone condition

4. No preventive administration

2. Ceramic fragmentation of dentures

6. No diagnosis and treatment of infection control,

Reduce dental implant failure rate

7. Doctor's skills and experience

1. Not enough artificial implants
3. There is a problem with the surface treatment of the implant!

My family has osteoporosis, can they have dental implants?

This is a question that we often need to answer, because osteoporosis is a very common disease, especially in female patients. Dental implants are supported by bones, so reasonable worries should be made.

Actually do you know? Bones are not just bones, they can be divided into many types; long bones, cartilage, flat bones and other types. Because different types of bones have different responses to osteoporosis.

American orthopedics research shows that the most likely fracture sites are the hip, spine, lumbar spine, thoracic spine, and wrist. The most unlikely locations for osteoporosis are the bones of the head and face.

Below you will see a long list of English literature briefs. In this article, the authors analyzed all research reports on "Does osteoporosis affect the success rate of dental implants?" They concluded that osteoporosis will not affect the success rate of dental implants.

"studies in subjects with osteoporosis have shown no differences in survival of the implants compared to healthy individuals. Therefore, osteoporosis cannot be considered a contraindication for implant placement"

Ana Mellado-Valero, Juan Carlos Ferrer-García, Javier Calvo-Catalá, Carlos Labaig-Rueda, Review Implant treatment in patients with osteoporosis. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2010; Jan 1;15 (1):e52-7.

Some patients with osteoporosis will take some health foods such as calcium tablets and bone strength, glucosamine, and glucosamine. These will not affect the implant at all, but if you are taking a medicine called Forsamax, it is not an ordinary health food. You must have your orthopedic doctor’s prescription to get the medicine.

Regardless of whether your doctor has reminded you, if you are taking it or similar medicines and need any bone surgery, you must tell the doctor. This medicine can make an otherwise safe wound very difficult to control.

For now, Fu Shan Mei is a very effective medicine for treating osteoporosis. Its purpose is to make bones healthier. Generally, the wound of a tooth extraction will become smaller with time, but it is strange that it will make the bone wound unable to heal, but it will become bigger and bigger with time.

1. Not enough artificial implants

In a most beautiful world, neither doctors nor patients need to worry about the price. In theory, the most standard method, in terms of mechanics, is to implant an artificial root without a tooth. In this design, the burden of each artificial tooth root can be minimized. However, it is often not because of physiological conditions that do not allow it, but because of economic considerations, which reduces the amount of implants. I can't describe it as "cut corners" , because this is a decision made by your doctor and you. When it was obvious that five artificial tooth roots were needed to support, and finally because of budget considerations. With only 2-3 implants, you can imagine that the life span of these poor artificial tooth roots must be very limited.

2. Poor bone condition

The reason why a successful artificial tooth implant does not move is because it clings to the surrounding bones and forms one body. When the bone condition is good (wide and deep), you can allow your doctor to insert a very strong artificial tooth root, but on the other hand, many patients are negligent and lead to bone atrophy caused by missing teeth for too long. At this time, doctors implant small artificial tooth roots. Most studies also support that larger implants will last longer than smaller implants. So here is a small suggestion for everyone. If you decide to implant your teeth, do it earlier and don't wait until the bones shrink. For posterior teeth, bone powder is the best choice on the day of extraction. Tooth extraction before implantation is very important. After tooth extraction, it is necessary to perform debridement, and then perform the action of filling the bone, so as to stabilize the strength of the implant in the future. .

My doctor told me
Do I need bones?

When the bones are not enough, whether for aesthetics or function. Your doctor will want to help make your raw bones plump. Only works made in this way can be more beautiful and durable. In order to achieve these goals, we need bone repair. The scientific name is GBR (Guided Bone Regeneration).

We call GBR the mother of successful dental implants. Only with successful bones as a strong foundation can implants with a long life span.

3. There is a problem with the surface treatment of the implant!

In Chapter 5, Artificial Dental Implant System. We have mentioned the importance of surface treatment of implants. No matter which brand of artificial dental implants the doctor or patient chooses, the cost is always a very important consideration. But like every time I teach, I will try my best to teach young doctors. Price is not everything, success is the most important thing.

Remember that we mentioned a proper term, osseointegration. When human bones can be tightly grasped on a good implant surface treatment, the implant will not shake and the surrounding bone will not be lost. As long as osseointegration exists, the artificial tooth implant will not fail. But as long as osseointegration does not exist, the implant will begin to fail.

Some dentists in the shop will emphasize that implants are not such an important implant factor. They often say that a skilled and experienced dentist can effectively make up for the lack of implants. Even if a small brand of implants is used, there is not much difference, and dental implants can be completed. This statement is actually wrong. When you hear this sentence next time, you can trouble the doctor to change your implant brand to a larger brand implant such as Swiss ITI (posterior teeth) or Sweden Nobelco (anterior teeth), and then The price remains the same.

The success rate of good implants is not necessarily 100%, not to mention the surface treatment of implants that has not passed the test of time. If you want to increase the success rate to the highest level, you must not only select experienced and skilled professional dentists, but also use high-quality and credit-worthy large-scale implants, which will definitely give you the best dental implant surgery quality , And the chance of implant failure is close to zero.

"If you want to buy a watch today, you don't have to buy a famous brand. If you don't like it, you can replace it and buy a new one. But the cost of replacing the dental implant is very high."

4. No preventive administration

In some patients with special diseases, such as weak immune function and defective heart valves. You will need to take medication before surgery to avoid infection. If you have a heart valve problem and need any anticoagulant treatment, be sure to remind your doctor.

At the Toronto Dental Clinic, after confirming that you are not allergic to the medications. We will prepare some pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medicines for you before implanting your teeth, because all medicines take a while to exert their maximum effect. This warm approach can reduce your postoperative discomfort. Dental implant is not a short process, I hope all the details can be the best we can. Come to bring you a good experience.

Disadvantages of dental implants

1. undeveloped

Children are not suitable for implants:

When your child is injured accidentally, you will definitely want to provide him with the best treatment. The first thing I think of must be artificial dental implants.

It is a pity that although dental implants are not necessarily limited by disease, there are age restrictions. `On average, girls will develop around 15-16 years old, while boys will have three more years, about 18-20 years old. Because the jawbone is still developing and changing during adolescence, it is recommended to wear movable dentures first, and wait until the bones are already After the growth is stable, the implant will be done again.

What about the old man? :

Dental implants have a lower limit of age, but no upper limit of age. When you have worked hard all your life, for your family, for your family, you continue to give. Now you can finally enjoy your old age. But it doesn't seem to be very convenient to go to far places because the knees are no longer good. I want to read but my eyes get tired easily. Finally, I felt I wanted to eat something I liked, but I realized that my teeth were not working anymore! I am a dentist, many of which I cannot change. But if there is a chance, I hope we can bring you the enjoyment of eating again.

Video: You can get a tooth implant at the age of 86...Explain the process of implanting a tooth.


2. Ceramic fragmentation of dentures

As we mentioned before, the crown of implants is actually the same as a normal crown. Most crowns have a thin layer of metal on the inside, combined with a layer of tooth-colored porcelain PFM on the outside. This layer of porcelain is easier to crack when a hard object is bitten into an artificial tooth.

Another disadvantage of dental implants is the lack of cushioning function of periodontal ligaments. When the natural teeth bite something, the teeth will adjust the height appropriately according to the applied force to buffer the excessive bite force and control the adjustment accordingly. However, the implant is directly connected to the bone, and it will not move even if you bite it down. You may use excessive force without knowing it. Although the implant will not cause pain, the porcelain and the surrounding bone supporting the artificial tooth root will be damaged due to excessive force

Periodontal ligament

The teeth of primates are not directly glued to the bones. Under the microscope, we can see that there are many thin slings between teeth and bones, which we call periodontal ligaments academically.

Its function is very similar to the shock absorber of a car. When the tire accidentally hits a groove, the shock absorber can absorb most of the force, so that the tire will not be injured. Natural teeth also have a similar buffering function that is to use periodontal ligaments to absorb excess bite force. But unfortunately, there is no periodontal ligament in implants, which explains why the porcelain of implant dentures is easier to chip.

2020 solution to the fracture of denture ceramics...Zirconium dioxide

1. High strength

To achieve aesthetics, functionality, biocompatibility and high durability at the same time. It is a very difficult challenge. However, with the advancement of technology, the use of ultra-precision computer scanning and precision lathes (CAD-CAM) will improve A piece of zirconium dioxide was made out of the braces we wanted; it may be the biggest breakthrough in dentistry during this time.

CAD-CAM is actually the abbreviation of Computer Aided Design & Computer Aided Manufacturing; that is, "Computer Aided Design-Computer Aided Production". Because it is slowly polished out of a whole piece of ceramic tile, and it is a one-piece work. Its strength can be as high as 1200 MPa, and it is impossible to bite it with human bite force.

Zirconium dioxide is currently the most durable material that can withstand high- strength bite force, prevent cracking and is durable.

Use computer software to design the desired denture shape.

cad cam 2.jpg

Use a lathe to grind accurate dentures


Instructions after the finished dental implant

1. Because you have not used the implant area for chewing for a long time, you may feel a foreign body sensation in your mouth at the beginning. If you are still used to chewing in the non-implant area, you do not need to use the implant area deliberately.

2. It is easier to bite your tongue and cheeks when you start using the implant area to eat or even talk. Please be careful.

3. Please choose foods that are easier to chew for the first time.

4. After each meal, please use an interdental brush or dental floss to clean the gap between the front and back of the denture.

5. After the tooth is implanted, the bones will take about a year to stabilize, so remember not to use the implant too frequently.

6. The teeth of the implant may be uncomfortable, because the implant area has not been used for a long time, so it takes time to adapt.

5. Insufficient medical equipment!

"Workers must first sharpen their tools if they want to be good at their work." Whether the dental equipment is sophisticated and advanced, the quality of dental implants and the lack of complete equipment have an absolute impact.

At the Toronto Dental Clinic, we like to invest in instruments that are helpful to patients.

Instead of investing in some equipment that is used to attract patients without constructive treatment. These gimmicks must eventually be transferred to the patient's expense.

Conversely, a constructive instrument can allow your doctor to use his skills to the limit. The doctor’s technology and the clinic’s equipment are complementary. Good tools and good equipment can make an impossible task much easier. Without good tools, a process that is easy to perform can become very complicated.

As you may already know, good dental equipment is not cheap. Two or three million pairs of many instruments are just entry-level models. But if having these devices can bring patients a higher success rate, then all the effort is worth it.


6. No diagnosis and treatment of infection control,

Reduce dental implant failure rate

When handling artificial implants and artificial bone meal, you must be careful and in a sterile environment. Otherwise, they will be treated as foreign objects by the body and will be rejected. In this situation, it is easy to cause infection. The implant process, which was supposed to be successful, turned into failure.

All contact with implants and bone meal must be sterile. As we discussed before, the process of dental implantation requires a lot of tools. It takes a lot of manpower and time to clean these tools. But because disinfection and hygiene are invisible to patients, it explains why this most important part is often ignored by patients and clinics.

Because of our training and concepts, we are deeply influenced by Canadian medical schools. The most important part of disinfection hygienist in Toronto dental clinic. In most clinics in Taiwan, the nurses and assistants are very busy registering and assisting the doctors, so we can't blame them for not having time to do extra disinfection actions. In order to overcome this problem, in our clinic, we hire a special person to clean and disinfect the tools you will use. Next time when you have the opportunity to come to our clinic, you can rest assured that any tools that enter your mouth must be completely sterile.

I want to know more about the importance of disinfection.

2. Zirconium Dioxide Aesthetics

Traditional dentures, commonly known as PFM (Porcelain Fused to Metal), must have a metal inner crown, so it is difficult to simulate the sensation of natural teeth. Zirconia crowns solve the problem of metal porcelain gingival blueness, black lines and discoloration.

1. Comparison of zirconium dioxide crown and traditional denture without light
2. Comparison of all-ceramic crowns and traditional dentures under light
3. All-ceramic crown under the light

3. Excellent biocompatibility of zirconium dioxide

In addition to the advantages just mentioned, the other biggest advantage of zirconium dioxide is its biocompatibility for humans.

Anyone who has worn earrings knows that as long as the metal composition of earrings is not pure enough, it is easy to cause allergies and inflammation. Among all known materials, zirconium dioxide is currently one of the best materials, and its compatibility with humans is almost as high as 100%. . At present, in all the literature, no one is allergic to this material, you will not taste the peculiar smell of metal and there will be no corrosion problems.


In terms of dental implant history, titanium is the best choice for all implant companies, and titanium is the main structure of all implants. However, recently Swiss brand (ITI) implants have very high requirements for strength, aesthetics and biocompatibility; therefore, for them, zirconium dioxide is not only used for braces, but also a pure zirconium dioxide artificial implant has been developed. It proves once again that zirconium dioxide performs very well in terms of biological safety.

3. Zirconium Dioxide Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Some early MRI equipment may interfere with image quality due to metal. However, due to advances in technology, All-ceramics has completely overcome this problem. From then on, patients no longer need to call to ask whether to remove the dentures for MRI.

For the Toronto Dental Clinic, it is to provide patients with the latest medical treatment, the safest and most affordable treatment.

7. Doctor's skills and experience

When tooth decay, periodontal disease or accidents lead to missing teeth, artificial dental implants have gradually replaced traditional dentures. Although artificial dental implants have become a common treatment, dental implant failure cases are still heard. How to ensure the success of expensive artificial dental implants and the safety of dental implant surgery? The answer is the doctor's experience and skills.

How to choose a good doctor?  

Dental implant is a very professional and technical operation. Not only does the dental implanter need professional judgment before implanting , but also in order to achieve the most ideal implant angle and depth during dental implant surgery . The surgeon also needs to have a keen clinical response, but these require years of experience.

Each step of the dental implant must be precise to ensure that it will not damage the surrounding important structures. Due to the different conditions of each patient, doctors must use different surgical methods to achieve the best results; the general surgeon may only be familiar with one or two surgical methods, but this is not enough for complex cases, however. As a lecturer-level doctor is constantly absorbing the latest knowledge and training, he may have ten different surgical methods for the same operation. At this time, he can choose the best surgical method for your case.

In fact, a doctor not only needs to be able to read, but also needs talent and a pair of skillful hands. What is talent? Being able to immediately determine your oral condition and surrounding clinical conditions, and choosing the best implant method for you, what is a skill? When judging the most suitable implant method for you, you can immediately remove the knife, and every step is very accurate, so that the implant can be perfectly integrated with the clinical. These are the experiences that require real cases, absorb vast knowledge and talents, and present you with the most professional implants.

Sequelae of Dental Implant

Dental implant techniques are uneven. Although dental implant failures do not occur frequently, how to ensure the medical quality of dental implant-related surgery is a matter of great concern to the public. To have a successful dental implant, it is very important to communicate with the doctor before the operation. Through detailed communication to confirm the doctor’s specialty, after all, artificial dental implants are to provide a better quality of life, but there are also some risks of surgery. The patient should have a clear knowledge and understanding before implantation.

Local swelling, pain and bleeding may occur after the tooth implantation. This is normal, and it usually stabilizes slowly within one to two weeks. Sometimes due to physique, there will be fever, nosebleeds and other discomforts. Although it is very rare, any surgery, no matter how big or small, has the possibility of problems. For the upper jaw, we are more worried about the sinuses, and for the lower jaw, we are more worried about the nerves. But if you have good equipment and a perfect team, the chance of these two problems can be said to be minimal.

If the implant fails, it can be implanted again, but if the bone is severely damaged, the bone must be repaired before it can be implanted. However, there are also reports in the literature that the patient has been unable to stabilize the implant because of the bone problem, and such patients must modify the traditional denture.

3. Easy to stuff food

Patients with rear implants are most likely to have food stuffed after the dentures are installed. This is even the best implant, ITI is hard to avoid. Because the thickest artificial tooth root can't compare to your original natural tooth root. Dental implants can use high technology (osseointegration) to overcome its relatively minor problems.


But what he can't overcome is the "waist." When the thinner artificial tooth root is connected to the crown, it will naturally produce a "waist" due to the size difference. This place is the easiest place to stuff food clinically. We can use the doctor's experience and talk with the denture designer to reduce this problem, but the problem of more or less food stuffing will still exist.

Although a good implant is really not that afraid of stuffing food, if it is not cleaned, the surrounding gums are still prone to inflammation. We can use toothbrushes, dental floss, tip brush and 3-in-1 dental floss to keep these areas clean.

4. Dentures will be glued down

In Chapter 6, we mentioned that the crowns of artificial implants are actually the same as normal dentures; both are fixed with a medical adhesive (with some exceptions, the crown is locked with screws) . When we eat something stickier, it is very likely that your dentures will be glued down. If the adhesive used by your doctor is better, the chance of loosening will become lower.

When your dentures come loose, find a doctor as soon as possible and tell them to stick back. Because the process of re-adhesion is not a health insurance benefit, if it is not the doctor who helped you make the dentures, you may need to charge you a small fee.

It is best to stick it back within twelve hours, because the surrounding gums can easily grow back to the original space of the braces, which will increase the difficulty of re-sticking. When the denture has not been glued back for too long, it is very likely that the denture will not fit back. That is because the adjacent teeth will move to this space, causing the dentures that were originally no problem to fit and need to be redone.

5. It is difficult to be perfect aesthetically

In the continuous development of dental implants, dental implants are getting closer and closer to perfection. At least functionally. ITI can almost simulate natural teeth in posterior teeth. For experienced clinics, the entire process from removal of unretainable teeth, bone powder and dental implants has been quite smooth and mature, but aesthetics is still a big challenge in the anterior tooth area.

Based on my teaching experience, the largest number of doctors in the class want to learn how to repair bones, and the second is to learn dental implant aesthetics. Everyone's gums react differently to the procedure of dental implant surgery. Some are not likely to shrink, but some people's gums will enter a lot of shrinkage. With experience, as we continue to absorb the latest foreign information every day. We can slowly learn how to reduce this shrinkage. Nobel’s Oriental-specific anterior dental implants are the easiest brand we use to achieve our aesthetic goals. But even with such an excellent artificial implant, it cannot guarantee 100% aesthetics.

This recession of the gums is not a problem in the posterior teeth, because there is no aesthetic consideration. For people who do not show their gums when they laugh, it is not a problem. Because the lips can block unsightly places. But if your gums are exposed when you speak, the aesthetic difficulty will be much higher.

In the end, only you can make this decision; removable dentures, bridges (removing the teeth on both sides), or implants. The good news is that shrinking gums can be replaced with fake gums. Shrinking gums can also be strengthened with soft tissue grafts. When you need dental implants in the aesthetic area, if your doctor forgets to remind you, be sure to discuss with him the aesthetic issues and limits.

Toronto dentist's work, guess which one is the implant? The one pointed by the arrow!


6. The process of dental implant

Take a long time

Because of the advancement of implant surface treatment technology, rapid dental implantation is possible, which is also an inevitable trend of future development, but not everyone is suitable.

Many people are afraid to hear that dental implant surgery takes several months to complete. This is indeed a major disadvantage of dental implants. Let us quickly review the three methods of dental implants.

Next Chapter: Minimally Invasive Dental Implant Surgery

Three ways of implant process !

1. Extract the tooth on the same day, implant the tooth on the same day, and install the denture on the same day. This is the fastest of all methods, but it is also the one with the highest failure rate. When the implant has not yet entered osseointegration with the surrounding bones. Any force that hits it will lead to failure. This method can be completed on the same day. The materials and techniques used are exactly the same as other methods, but all the steps are condensed together.

2. Extract the teeth on the same day, and implant the teeth on the same day, but do not install dentures: this method is most suitable for front teeth . Wait for four months before doing dentures. This approach can achieve good results in both aesthetics and functions. The treatment time required is about four months. A supplementary point, in fact, during the four-month rest period, the patient does not need to return to the clinic. When you come back in four months, you can prepare to take the mold for dentures.


3. Tooth extraction and bone powder, wait four months, implant the tooth, wait another four months, install the denture:

: The first waiting period is to integrate the artificial bone meal made up with your own bones to form a solid foundation. The second waiting period is for the implant and surrounding bones to enter osseointegration. This method is very suitable for posterior teeth , and the success rate should be very close to 100% in an experienced clinic operation. The only drawback is that its treatment time takes about eight months.

In our clinic, we often see other failed works. The most important reason is the lack of waiting time. Please remember that bones are a structure that grows very slowly, and sometimes it's really fast but not fast.

With the continuous advancement of dental implant technology, dental implants are becoming more and more popular. But dental implants are more than just dental implants. It includes detailed explanations before surgery, warm and considerate treatment procedures, and the most honest and reliable after-sales service. In addition to the proficiency of the doctor's dental implant technology, I hope he can make a personalized and comprehensive diagnosis for you. These directly affect the success of dental implant surgery. If you need any dental help, you are welcome to contact us.


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